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 Jackfrost is offering one of his High bred pokemon to 10 members

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Posts : 35
Join date : 2008-08-26

Jackfrost is offering one of his High bred pokemon to 10 members Empty
PostSubject: Jackfrost is offering one of his High bred pokemon to 10 members   Jackfrost is offering one of his High bred pokemon to 10 members Icon_minitimeThu Dec 04, 2008 8:30 pm

I have about 25 pokemon that I completely bred and ev trained myself I am willing to offer one of them for 10 different members if you tend to support us. The first 10 members to recruit 10 members to this site will win a free high bred ev trained pokemon of their choice from my high breeds most are nicknameable. I will have a thread open with your name and the users you recruited under it. When tellling me who you recruited please PM me and I will get to you asap and also before I add the username under your recruits I have to ask the member if you recruited him/her. Please note the member has to sign up and register thank you. thank you. Jackfrost
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Jackfrost is offering one of his High bred pokemon to 10 members
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